This is to chronicle a journey that I began in September 2005. A weight loss journey is what it started out as, but I am coming to find it is more than that it is about being almost 40 and still needing to find out who I am, what I stand for, what my purpose is and what brings me joy! And I am hoping as I peel off the layers of fat, I can find the person I am meant to be and be happy!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Help along the way

Today my work out partner and I decided to try out a new gym that opened up in our town. I had already toured the gym and was excited about making it our gym! My workout partner did not seem to feel the same today and I was worried. I have to admit I need my work out partner. She is what keeps me going. Don't get me wrong I do want to work out and I do want to loose weight, but I need someone, I guess you might say to keep proding me along, when I loose site of the big picture. My work out partner is that kind of person and I am thankful for her. I consider her a blessing! This make me relize though as a person this is something I need to work on to complete myself. I need to relize it is okay to need others to help us along the our way in life. I believe that God put certian people in our life for certian reasons, and I definately believe God blessed me with an awesome workout partner named Laurie!!


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