Do not change yourselves to be like the people of this world; but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.
—Romans 12:2 NCV
I am on a journey of change, and the one way to do that is by experience new things and meeting new people. Today I was looking for a new goal for me and Laurie. We are wanting to do a running event in March or April to keep us geared up for the 1/2 marathon we are going to run in June. I found a Duothon in a town close to us. This would mean running to legs of the race and biking one. We run just over 5 miles combined and bike 14 miles. It sounds like an awesome challenge, but also a little scary since I have never done a Duothon. When I told my husband about it, he even said he would start training as well and do it with me. So maybe, that is a sign from God to push away my fears of something new, and take that step forward into new territory. Only time will tell if this will part of my journey's path.
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