Keep on Keeping On
Today was spose to be a rest day on our workout plan but we had a change in our schedule and Made Monday our rest day. So when the alarm went off this morning many thoughts went throught my head. The first one was "turn that dang alarm off!!!" Which I did, the second one was "okay now just climb back in bed and no one will notice!";-) And as usual this thought caused me to pause and think for a second considering this option. Than the next thought was "Maybe since this is spose to be our rest day Laurie will also still be in bed and not even notice?" again I paused to consider this thought, but needless to say my training schedule is becoming a habit and won out over all my own self defeating head talk. I am glad it did. We went to the gym today and I had an awesome workout. 3.2 miles on the elyptical in 38 minutes. Getting better!!! Getting faster!!! Than on the way home from the gym Laurie mentioned that the Disney World Marathon that is our main goal has to be completed in 7 hours. I must admit that took a little of the joy out of my 3.2 miles in 38 minutes at least for a second. The thought of moving continuously for 7 hours at a pretty good pace is a little overwelming at this point in my current physical condition, but than what is a goal if it does not take hard work and determination to achieve it. I have to keep the big picture in my mind. The reason for the goal is so that when I turn that wonderful age of 40 I feel good mental and physically, have developed healthy life habits, and will have learned to be diciplined. Now that is not asking for too much?? Right???
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