Well got up late this morning but made it to my workout. Walked three miles. So on track with my workout, but I am realizing I am not meeting my full potential. The weight is not coming off. I am feeling much better, more energetic, but could be doing so much better if I could just get my food under control. So I have done it! I have pulled out my pile of Weight Watchers materials from past attempts. Yes that is right I am a Weight Watcher drop out!!! Ugh! I have tried Weight Watchers more times than I can count in the past, and have always lost that first 20 lbs, over and over again, just to drop out and think I can do it on my own only to let myself down. I am not willing to pay that weekly fee to return to weight watchers, but know the program works. Basically it boils down to keeping track and being aware of what you put in your mouth. I have posted a poster on the front of my frig that says "Are you fueling your body or making it fat?". The first day it was there my 12 year old son was like what the heck is this. Which means it works to have it there. It makes us stop and think about our choices. Unfortunately I think most of us go through life making choice after choice every day and not thinking about how it will effect us, kind of on auto pilot. I know I do and than where do you end up. Well I ended up exactly where I did not want to be 100lbs over weight and very tired. So needless to say just taking that little bit of extra time and thinking over my choices more seriously would of saved me a lot of pain and agony. So I am taking control. I am keeping track. Started my food journal today, counting my calories and points. I never have thought calorie counting was that important but as of today I think it is the way. If you have written down what you ate, made good choices, and exercised than your body and the scale will show it! It is that easy!! And that is the road I am CHOOSING to take!;-)
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