Sometimes this journey seems so long and tiring. I don't feel like I know where I am going or who I am any more. I can remember a time where I knew, or at least thought I knew where I was going, what my goals were, who my friends and family were. The relations seemed so defined, that I could count on them. There was comfort and safety, but now it is very rare that I feel that. I love my husband and kids, but wonder how much I let them down every day as I flounder on this earth like a fish out of water. Not able to catch my breath, much less muster the strength to jump back in the water and start swimming again.
How did I loose myself, when did I loose myself, or did I ever really know myself. Did I have to wait until I was almost 40 to relize I still do not know ME! Bad timing. How with so many people looking to me and counting on me on a daily basis do I stop and determine who I really am, what I really believe in, what is important to me, and where my moral compass lies?
My reaction is to just shut down, turn it off, and some days I do go on auto pilot, which is not good for me or my family. So what is the solution? I pray, but maybe not enough. Is it because I have not given it all over that I flounder so? I tell myself it is not about you, I start my day trying to not think about what I am looking for, but it always comes back to it. It is like until I know for sure who I am I cannot continue, I am stuck. That is exactly how I feel stuck. No matter what changes I make it does not seem to break me loose. Those around me think I am wishy washy, cannot make a decision to save my life. And you know it is true, I relize, how scary that I cannot decided. It is like being at a cross roads, and standing in the middle forever. What happens if you stand in the middle forever, what do you become? But I know in my gut I cannot stand in the middle forever. I must make that choice, and pick a direction, I want to pick a directions, I just don't know which way to go.
If you stand in the middle forever, then eventually, the middle becomes the end. Sometimes you just have to GO. Right, wrong or indifferent. The act of going somewhere -anywhere- beats standing still. Don't worry. I'll go with you.
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