This is to chronicle a journey that I began in September 2005. A weight loss journey is what it started out as, but I am coming to find it is more than that it is about being almost 40 and still needing to find out who I am, what I stand for, what my purpose is and what brings me joy! And I am hoping as I peel off the layers of fat, I can find the person I am meant to be and be happy!

Friday, September 01, 2006

And the mood goes on

Well today did not start well and it started at 4a.m.!! My youngest son who is 4 had an accident, decided it was time to get up and start the day and that mom needed to stay home with him and not go to the gym. Pretty much the end to the week that I should have expected! The worst part is letting my work out partner down and not getting a badly needed work out! It seems like in life the ups don't last as long as the downs sometimes, but I am hoping and going to work my hardest to bring myself out of this down today!! We have a seven mile walk tomorrow morning, so my plan is to eat a healthy dinner, get to bed early and start with an up day tomorrow!! It also helped to get a comment about my last blog from a nice lady who let me know I am not alone in those oh so feeling un pretty days! Thanks! Keep the comments coming they help!!


Blogger Laurie said...

No worries, you never let me down. You rock!! See you at 6 am for 7 great miles!!

8:37 PM  

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