Choose Life

It sounds so simple, "Choose life" doesn't it. But is it really. Does our heart always wake up and look to the day as a mircle, another adventure that we have been blessed with. I know my heart does not. Some days when the alarm goes off, my heart is thinking, "Ugh, another day, I just want to stay in bed all day."
but then I believe God sends me little reminders.
I was up late last night, flipping through the channels, as usual finding nothing worth watching on, yet I keep flipping through the channels thinking something will magically appear, but on this night it did. I stop on The Larry King show to see who he was talking to on this night. His subject was "inspiring people beating incredible odds", this sounded interesing so I put the remote down. I joined the program in progress, but at this moment he was speaking to a gentleman named Jim Maclaren. He had went from being an All American at Yale, to having a motorcycle accident in NY, being hit by a bus and having to have one of his legs amputed below the knee. Now this would be devasting for anyone, but he took this situation and made Lemonade. He went on to break records in marathons as well as Ironman competitions. He came out of his situation and was back on top, but like that was not enough, God had more planned for this life. During one of his events, he was hit by a van and became a quadrapligic. Doctors told him he would never move again, but now they call him the "Living Mircle", through perseverance and his hard work and determination, he is able to move again, and has chose life and is touching many with it.
Stories like these definately put your life in to persepective. The "poor me" attitude just does not cut it. What am I doing with what God has blessed me with? That question cuts to the bone. Answer: Not much. So what has to change, EVERYTHING! Eye opening yes, life changing, can be, but only I can make that change.
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