Feeling My Age

Had a great work out this morning, but I am definately feeling my age. We have this huge hill side in our front yard which has needed to be landscaped for the last 7 years. Every summer we weed it, and try to decide what we are going to plant. Well this year I decided this was the year. I am getting in better shape so should not be a problem for me to do the digging, planting, etc. So I went with my husband this weekend and had a great time picking out plants and planning our lay out, thinking this will be a piece of cake. One day and we will be done. Okay so back to feeling my age. After one day of moving bark, trekking up and down the hill, diggin holes in very rocky hard soil, I am feeling my age. Definately I don't feel half as bad as I would of a year ago before I started working out, but it just confirms my recent thoughts that this will be a life long committment. A committment to making myself, healthy, stronger, and happier by doing what is right for my body and my mind. So today I continue on trekking up and down the hill planting one plant at time. It may take me a few days to get them all planted, but I am just thankful that I can be out there moving!
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