Whoever came up with the phrase TGIF-Thanks God It Is Friday, was not dieting. I think weekends are the hardest part of the week to get through when you are trying to eat healthy. There seems to be so many more temptation. The schedule changes, it is not as strict, there is more leeway for error. More choices that have to be made. More situations that make you have to make choices, be healthy or enjoy yourself and not be healthy. I know that sounds so negative, but truly how much fun is it to go to a party, or a bridal shower, and not be able to partake with all your friends and family as they enjoy the beautiful cake and wine, or the decadent chocolate fountain with the luscious looking strawberries to dip in it.
I know that time with family and friends, needs to become more about socializing than eating for me. The focus has been food for me for so long, it is hard to change. When you are one of the people who feels awkward in social situations, never knowing the right thing to say, or being afraid you will say the wrong thing, I guess it is just easier to stuff your face. I guess if you get fat enough no one will pay attention to you and then you will not have to worry about that awkward moment ever happening. Although if you take it a step further, by stuffing your face I guess we inevitable avoid living life all together don't we, and that is not what anyone truly wants. I know I don't. I want to be able to live my life to the fullest, but being full from stuffing your face makes that impossible.
So I guess the saying that I like the best and am trying to focus on is "EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT", and the world will be your oyster!!!!!!!
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