Things have been good this week. I have made healthy food choices, stayed within my calories, and even exercised while my workout partner is on vacation. So all in all it has been a good week, but, and there always has to be a but doesn't there;-) I had a meeting tonight and afterwards took advantage and stopped at the grocery store for a little shopping without the kids. Now since I have had a good week, my brain is telling me "You have been good you deserve something gooooood!!". So as I make my way through the store I am buying my healthy stuff, but stopping to look at the labels of the unhealthy stuff. Like cookies are going to get any less fatting or have less sugar!!!, but as I look at the label the dueling voices in my head begin to talk. Healthy voice, "It is not worth it, you are doing so good, you feel so good!" Unhealthy voice, "But it will taste so good, you know you want it, it won't hurt, just this once, you deserve it." Thankfully I do not listen to this voice and continue to move on through the store.
I eventually get to the ice cream aisle. Now I know I should have never even ventured down this aisle. Ice cream is my weakness. I love Ice cream!! But alas, I do head down the aisle, looking at labels, looking at sugar free verses regular, and then I see it. The Ben and Jerry's section. My sister recently turned me on to a new flavor they have-Cinnamon Buns, and it is to die for! I see it and pick it up looking at the label. I am still below my calorie count today and have exercised all week, so I justify the 1000 calories for the one small container of ice cream just this once I can have it. So I put it in my cart and continue down the ice cream aisle and turn into the next aisle. I stop as the healthy and unhealthy voices start to discuss again. I turn around head back down the aisle put it back on the shelf, and instead grab sugar free, fat free, fudgecicles. So again I head out of the ice cream aisle, but again stop. My voices in my head again arguing, buy it, don't buy it, okay to eat it, not okay to eat it, but you really want it, You should have it, this once won't hurt. My brain began to hurt as I went back and forth between the voices. Who do I listen to??? Needless to say I took that ben and jerrys ice cream container off the shelf three different times and ended up putting it back three times before my healthy voice won out.
Am I crazy or what. I am sure that if anyone was paying attention to me in the store and would of seen the war of wills that I was going through, they would of either, 1) laughed historically probably peeing their pants, or 2) would of called the manager complaining of a crazy person in the store.
So here I sit tonight, after winning the battle of the wills, with my sugar free fudgecicle, bloggin about my battle. Am I satisfied?? Kinda. Am I happy with my decision??? Yes. I am still thinking about how good that Cinnamon Bun Ice Cream would have tasted, but am glad that the choice I made will effect my healthy positively and not negatively.