This is to chronicle a journey that I began in September 2005. A weight loss journey is what it started out as, but I am coming to find it is more than that it is about being almost 40 and still needing to find out who I am, what I stand for, what my purpose is and what brings me joy! And I am hoping as I peel off the layers of fat, I can find the person I am meant to be and be happy!

Monday, October 30, 2006


“Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” NAPOLEON HILL

I do have the desire to be healthy, thin, happy. But why on some days is that desire so strong and others it is so weak. Other emotionS take over, causing havoc with what I desire most. Or is it that what I desire most is not the right desire. That what I want is not what I am really meant to have. Am I lost??? Am I going down the right road?? I wish I did not have to ask for directions. That they were already clearly programed in to my mind. I know who I am to turn to for those directions, but sometimes I think the traffic in my mind is too loud and I can not hear those directions!!


Where do the days go!!! We are already in fall and heading toward winter. I must say I am not a cold weather person and exercising in the cold will be a true test of my desire to achieve my goal!! This weekend we had a 9 mile walk. We were up, and it was still dark. What are we bats??? So we headed out at 6 a.m. and began are 9 miles on a dark unlit trail. Now as you know, as always, there are lots of scary shows and movies on TV, as we build up to Halloween night. So I would have to say my mind was in a scary movie kind of mind set. So as we began our walk down the dark trail, I keep hearing things moving in the brush. Laurie and I were talking, but I must admit I had one ear intently listening for anything scary moving in the bushes. I am thinking, "why do I not own a can of mace!!" The next thing I know something jumps in the air and right into a bush. My reaction was to almost jump into Laurie's arms and make her carry me all the way back to the car. Thought I would help her out with her strength training...NOT!!! So this Halloween, I saved a few bucks, and stayed with my workout routine. Instead of paying to go to the haunted corn maze, I just kept with my normal workout routine, add one dark trail, and "poof" my dose of scare for the holiday season!!

Monday, October 09, 2006



Today at my weight watcher meeting we were asked to break out in to groups of 5 of 6 and list our top reasons for wanting to loose weight. But first my leader shared with us the following:

Top Ten Questions To Ask Yourself Before Ordering The Burger King Quad Stacker

10. "Are my papers in order?"

9. "Can I get it supersized?"

8. "Will I have time to run 298 miles to burn off the calories?"

7. "Could this have anything to do with why the rest of the world hates us?"

6. "Should I talk to my doctor about Lipitor?"

5. "Can I get it on a low-carb bun?"

4. "How come there isn't any sausage on this bad boy?"

3. "Why is Burger King making me sign a release form?"

2. "Should I wait til they come out with the 'Quint Stacker'?"

1. "Do I have my cardiologist on speed dial?"

I found this quite funny, but with a scary bit of reality to it. But on to my groups top 10 reasons they are as follows:

10. Health

9. New Wardrobe

8. Be good Role Model

7. Family

6. Self confidence

5. Positive feedback from others

4. to look and feel younger

3. Energy

2. To be able to fit in skinny jeans and shop in regular size section of store

1. To be able to do anything we want with out fear or physical limitation.

Number 1 was my contribution to this group. This exercise made me realize this is my motivation. I don't want to let my wieght stop me from trying the things I want to do. Like climbing a mountain, going on a rollercoaster, flying in a plane, lounging on the beach in a bathing suit, running with my children, running accross the finish line at my first Marathon!!!! Weight is my burden it is literally holding me down, stopping ME, and I cannot let it win!! I am in a battle. The battle for my ability to be all I can be. The battle to be physical able and to over come my fear! The war has just begun and I am going to WIN!!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"Quod me nutrit me destruit"

"What Nourishes Me Also Destroys Me." --- That is definately a quotes to ponder.


Was a rollercoaster week. Lots of of changes and revelations. I started out the week by joining weight watchers. I was actually glad to be back and saw a co-worker from way back when there. She looked awesome. She was half the size of when I had seen her last and that gave me hope. But when I got home my weight watchers journey did not start out as anticipated. I did not make it to the grocery store until Thursday, so needless to say the journey actually did not start until Thursday! I am on track now though, and realize to be successful at this point in my life, points almost have to consume my every waking moment. How many points for this, how many points for that, am I in my point range. It puts things in to perspective and keeps me on track. So that is how the food issue is going. The exercise-was a great week. Did our workouts, even added the weights in on Friday, and did a 10 mile walk on Saturday. We made good time, but oh my legs were tired by the end, but I am looking forward to the 11 mile walk next weekend. I have not been able to write lately so am sharing quotes I am finding along my journey that touch or inspire me. Like the one that follows:

"Courage is being scared to death--but saddling up anyway." -John Wayne

So, as a new week approaches,I am preparing to saddle up again and enjoy the ride!!

Monday, October 02, 2006


I found this quote and totally agreed with it so thought would share it!!

"God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can dream for yourself."
-Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, October 01, 2006


"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

- H. Jackson Brown