This is to chronicle a journey that I began in September 2005. A weight loss journey is what it started out as, but I am coming to find it is more than that it is about being almost 40 and still needing to find out who I am, what I stand for, what my purpose is and what brings me joy! And I am hoping as I peel off the layers of fat, I can find the person I am meant to be and be happy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. HEBREWS 12:1


I hardly can believe that we have less than two weeks until the half marathon and only one major walk workout left for this goal. It has gone by so quickly. This, the first of many journeys, has definitely been an eye opening one. A good beginning to finding out who I really am. I have just cracked the surface, and have so much further to go and grow, but this journey has brought one very important thing. My friend and workout partner Laurie. She has been a major support during my trials on this journey and helped me pull through them, without her I would never have made it.

So together, we will cross the finish line of our first half marathon, but even though the sign may say FINISH, its meaning will be just the opposite for me. It will be the beginning of the road to many finish lines in our future!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I had a routine physical today, and talked indepth with my doctor about my diet. My struggle with weight and food, especially carbs. I mentioned my thoughts on being a Sugar Addict, and she did not dismiss it to my amazement, she said that she thought that I probably was and that Carbs are my problem.

Addict, it is just not a word one expects to associate with themselves. All I can think about is how will I over come this?? We have to eat. I have to feed my family. My doctor has recommended that I see a nutritionist, and have her evaluate my diet and the levels of nutrition I need, but she did say she thought the low-carb way would probably be what works best for me. So for now, I need to just set back and let the truth sink in. The life altering, conscious opening truth. I AM A SUGAR ADDICT!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Where is the dam golf cart??/

Saturday was a 9 mile training mark. It was a typically Northwest fall day, rain, rain, and more rain. We tried out our new rain gear, and thanfully it worked well! But when you spend 2 1/2 hours out in the rain you are going to get wet, and we did. But what a wonderful feeling to know that I can, and did walk 9 miles in the rain. I have to admit that without my faithful workout partner, Laurie I do not think I would have been up to the challenge. We did though meet the challenge and are ready for the next.

By the end of the walk though it was dark. We were on a dark trail and I was ready to be back at the car. There is a broken down golf course parked along the trail in someone's back yard. It is my marker that we have almost completed our walk. That we have made it. But this time it was dark. Hard to distinguish what is out there. Then I think I see it. I get excited, my pace quickens, and as we come upon it, it is a big trackor tire. "Where is that dam golf cart!!!" Was all I could say. I am tired, wet, and in the rain, I need to see that golf cart!! It is funny that I can put such value on such a thing as a broken down golf cart. That the thought of that broken down golf cart keeps me going!! So we round another bend and there it is in all it's glory my broken down golf cart. I must admit that golf carts will hold a special place in my heart from now on. A positive icon I guess you might say. But "It is all good" anything that brings positive energy is a good thing.

We have only three weeks till the 1/2 marathon. We have made it, and I am looking forward to crossing that finish line. I am sure there will not be a broken down golf cart there at the end, but I think the FINISH sign will do just fine;-)